If you are a woman, remember this...

If you are a woman, remember this...

This poem is dedicated to the young woman I met on the weekend.

Don’t say sorry before you speak. Just speak. What you have to say is important. 
Don’t say sorry because you are taking up space. It’s your space, you own it.
Don’t say sorry because you don’t want that drink he wants you to have.
Don’t say sorry because you want a night in not out.
Don’t say sorry because your boss screwed up, not you.
Don’t say sorry because you love dessert and no one else does. 
Don’t say sorry because your test results were higher than his.
Don’t say sorry because your body can’t do what others can do.
Don’t say sorry when a customer shouts at you.
Don’t say sorry when he wants sex and you don’t. 
Don’t say sorry for being a woman.

Jayneen Sanders


Jayneen Sanders is a mother, a teacher, an advocate for the prevention of child abuse, an advocate for gender equality, and the author of empowering children’s books including Who Am I? I Am Me!, No Difference Between Us, No Means No!, Pearl Fairweather, Pirate Captain, and Resilience.

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