Jayneen Sanders' book wins Silver Award in the 2019 Foreword INDIES!

Jayneen Sanders' book wins Silver Award in the 2019 Foreword INDIES!

WE’RE CELEBRATING individuality, equality, diversity, empathy and kindness.

Winner of the SILVER Award for Children's Picture Books (early reader) in the Foreword Reviews 2019 Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Awards! 

The Not-So-Perfect Princess and the Not-So-Dreadful Dragon is a fairy tale style story, written by Jayneen Sanders and illustrated by Paula J. Becker.

Best suited for children aged 4 to 10 years.


Princess Petal is NOT what you would expect the 'perfect' princess to be. In fact, she is quite the opposite. 

An enchanting tale about friendship, diversity, acceptance and being exactly who we are meant to be. The moral behind this story is imperative yet simple: we are all different and that's okay, making judgements and assumptions about people is NOT okay, all genders should be treated equally. 


What are the Foreword INDIES? 

June 17, 2020—Foreword Reviews, a book review journal focusing on independently published books, announced the winners of its INDIES Book of the Year Awards today.

“For a couple of months a year, our editorial team gathers together for the collaborative work of reading through the thousands of worthy INDIES submissions we receive, whittling categories down to the few books that best represent the spirit and potential of independent publishing,” says Managing Editor Michelle Anne Schingler. “The task of judging books is never easy—our impulse, as readers, is to embrace all titles—but it’s work that we take seriously, as do the librarians and booksellers who further narrow the categories after us.

“The end result are short lists of winners that represent the best of the best—independent titles that you absolutely should not miss. In these troubled times of tremendous change, we hope that you’ll find these selections inspiring—a reminder of what we’re all working toward together.”

Have a look at some of the other winners and finalists in the Foreword INDIES 




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